Julien Liscouët
General Director – Vatel School in Bahrain
Tell us more about your day-to-day role and what keeps it challenging and exciting…
Higher education is different every day and brings with it its own unique challenges. We continuously work to satisfy students, their parents, lecturers, hotel partners, as well as the various Ministries that advise and direct us. A University is an open door to the world. Diversity keeps this job exciting, but our main objective is to provide the best teaching and learning experience, as well as life skills for our students’ professional futures. Therefore, our success will become their success.
What are some of your favourite cultural hotspots in Bahrain and why?
My favourite places are directly related to Bahrain’s heritage: Bahrain Fort – it is like stepping back in time, travelling from Dilmun to the present day surrounded by horses and palm trees gives everyone the experience of the “Garden of Eden” side of Bahrain. Muharraq Pearl Route – an adventure inside Bahrain’s trading culture, and these tours are always full of unexpected encounters; treasures can be found, especially in the Souk and also inside the renovated traders’ houses. Lastly, Ras el Bar, Askar and Hawar Island – they are beautifully wild, simple and peaceful. You feel the island and the nature.
What are your personal and professional goals for 2020?
Vatel’s goal for 2020 is to launch the MBA process with the Ministry of Education so that Vatel will be in a position to offer Executive and Continuous Education to students and professionals from both the Hospitality and Tourism Industry. Our second goal is to continuously develop the tools we have implemented during the current pandemic. On a more personal side, my goals are to read more, start practicing sport and give more time to myself, my family and friends.