Sony and Honda have revealed a new prototype EV for their joint venture car brand.

Sony and Honda, combined under a new joint venture – Sony Honda Mobility (SHM), have revealed the name of their new car brand Afeela, showcasing a prototype of their new electric saloon. SHM is a mobility tech company that aims to revolutionise the mobility space and create new experiences by combining cuttingedge technology and passion.

The electric vehicle (EV) will present safety and driver assistance systems from Honda along with entertainment and interactive features developed by Sony.

The prototype has 45 cameras and sensors placed in the interior and exterior of the vehicle to improve its safety and security functions. It also features 800 TOPS (Trillions or Tera Operations per Second) of maximum computing power for the ECU (Engine Control Unit), which will be powered by Qualcomm Technologies’ Snapdragon chips that have been specialised for these vehicles. The Snapdragon Digital Chassis will serve as the foundation for these next-generation, software-defined vehicles and will enable new mobility experiences and services.

SHM also revealed that the prototype has converted the mobility space into an entertainment space by seamlessly integrating real and virtual worlds. To begin with, SHM has started to build new values and concepts for mobility with Epic Games.

The company will develop the production model based on this prototype. Pre-orders are planned to begin in the first half of 2025 and sales by the end of 2025. ✤