What’s on the smartphone agenda for July?


Beeper is a universal communication platform that combines various messaging services into one convenient app.
This integration offers users a seamless experience across different messaging platforms and eliminates the need to keep switching between multiple apps by streamlining communication. Beeper supports over a dozen messaging services, including WhatsApp, iMessage, Facebook Messenger, Telegram, Signal, LinkedIn, Instagram direct message, X (formerly Twitter) direct message and more, allowing users to carry out all their conversations in one place.
The app also offers a unified inbox, providing users with a single view of all their messages across various platforms and includes an advanced search functionality that enables them to quickly search and locate specific messages or conversations.
Beeper boasts cross-platform compatibility by supporting a wide range of devices including smartphones, tablets and computers.


mymind is a unique app that completely revamps the way users store and organise their digital memories. It’s a productivity, note-taking and bookmarking tool that provides a reliable platform that aims to act as an extension of your real mind. In a digital era where personal data and privacy is often compromised, mymind offers a secure space for users to store websites, notes, images, quotes, highlights and much more, in a more efficient manner.
The app successfully uses artificial intelligence (AI) to seamlessly aid in the overall organisation of everything the user saves on to the platform, without the burden of them having to manually categorise and arrange everything.
The platform boasts a highly intuitive and sensible design style that is extremely user-friendly. From effortless note-taking to streamlined task management and intelligent bookmarking, mymind offers users a distraction-free reading environment alongside a highly-effective automatic content categorisation tool.