In Conversation with… Amid Yazji

The Cluster General Manager (GM) of Gulf Hotels Group shares insights into his complex role, what fulfils him in his career and his aspirations to fly high!

Firstly, congratulations on your new position. As Cluster GM, what unique challenges do you face in overseeing multiple properties and how do you ensure consistency and excellence across them all?
Thank you, FACT magazine! Overseeing multiple properties as a Cluster General Manager comes with its unique set of challenges. Each property has its own distinct characteristics, team dynamics and customer base, which requires a tailored approach to management.
The primary challenge lies in ensuring consistency and excellence across all locations. To achieve this, I focus on three key areas: standardised processes, continuous training and strong communication. By implementing uniform operational standards and fostering a culture of excellence, we ensure that every guest experiences the same high level of service, regardless of the property they visit. Additionally, regular training programmes help our staff stay updated with the latest hospitality trends and best practices. Strong communication channels between properties allow for the sharing of successful strategies and innovations, creating a cohesive and high-performing group.

Over the years, what aspects of your career have brought you the most fulfilment or satisfaction?
The most fulfilling aspect of my career has been the opportunity to lead and develop diverse teams. Witnessing the growth and success of team members and knowing that I’ve played a part in their professional journey, brings me immense satisfaction.
Additionally, being able to create memorable experiences for our guests and seeing their positive feedback motivates me every day. The hospitality industry is all about making people feel valued and comfortable, and knowing that our efforts contribute to their happiness is incredibly rewarding.

You’ve spent a few years working in the GCC, Levant and Russia. What did you enjoy the most about living and working in these different areas?
Each region has offered unique experiences and learning opportunities. In the GCC, I appreciated the dynamic and fast-paced business environment, coupled with the rich cultural heritage. The Levant region introduced me to its warm hospitality traditions and deep historical roots, which greatly enriched my understanding of the industry. In Russia, I enjoyed the challenge of adapting to a different climate and business culture, as well as the chance to explore its vast and diverse landscapes. Across all these regions, the common thread has been the wonderful people I’ve met and worked with, and the invaluable lessons I’ve learned from them.

What’s your favourite way to unwind after a long day at work?
After a long day, I find solace in a good book or spending quality time with my family. I also enjoy taking evening walks, which help me clear my mind and reflect on the day. These activities allow me to relax and recharge, ensuring that I am ready to tackle the challenges of the next day with a fresh perspective.

What’s a skill or hobby you’ve always wanted to learn but haven’t had the time to pursue yet?
I’ve always been fascinated by aviation. Aircraft are something I find incredibly intriguing and technologically advanced. Unfortunately, with the demands of my career, I haven’t had the time to fully explore this hobby. I hope to eventually carve out some time to learn the intricacies of aviation and perhaps even take a few flying courses and simulator hours to hone my skills. ✤