In Conversation with… Sunuj Deen

The K Hotel’s newly appointed Director of Operations talks about navigating the ever-changing hospitality landscape, the property’s new offerings and his management style.

Congratulations on your exciting new position at The K Hotel. What does the role entail and what are you looking forward to the most?
I am thrilled to take on this exciting new role. My responsibilities will encompass the overall management of the hotel’s key departments, including rooms, food and beverage (F&B), health and wellness facilities and daily property maintenance. I am particularly excited about the opportunity to lead a talented team of passionate hospitality professionals and work towards enhancing the hotel’s position as a premier destination in Bahrain. My primary focus will be on driving operational efficiency, fostering a collaborative work culture and ensuring our guests receive an unparalleled experience during their stay.

You’re a seasoned hotelier and have more than 18 years of experience in the hospitality industry. What unique expertise do you bring to your new role?
I have had the privilege of working in diverse markets, including India, the UAE and Bahrain. This extensive global exposure has given me a deep, nuanced understanding of the hospitality industry, particularly in the realm of F&B operations. I am confident that this expertise will be instrumental in my new role, as I work to align the various departments and cultivate a servicedriven work culture. In addition, my focus on developing robust systems and processes will be invaluable in ensuring the hotel’s operations remain consistent and adaptable, positioning The K Hotel as a leading hospitality destination in the Kingdom.

How do you feel the hospitality industry has changed over the years and how have you adapted to it?
As the saying goes, ‘Change is the only constant’ and this is particularly true in the hospitality industry. I have witnessed it undergo significant transformation in recent years, driven by evolving consumer expectations and technological advancements. There has been a clear shift towards personalised, immersive guest experiences. Today’s travellers seek more than just a room – they desire tailored, memorable encounters that cater to their individual preferences. To adapt, we have had to become more agile, data-driven and digitally focused. Leveraging technology, we can now anticipate and exceed guest needs, offering seamless service and enhanced convenience. At the same time, we have had to balance innovation with maintaining the personal touch that defines great hospitality. By empowering our teams, embracing sustainable practices and constantly innovating, we have been able to deliver exceptional experiences that keep guests coming back.

You have an impressive food and beverage background. Can we expect to see some changes in The K Hotel’s culinary offerings?
Absolutely. I am eager to leverage my expertise to elevate the hotel’s culinary offerings. While maintaining the excellence of our existing outlets, I’m excited to introduce new concepts. We are developing a Grab-and-Go option at K Cafe, featuring artisanal snacks and ready-to-eat meals to cater to evolving guest preferences. Additionally, we are revamping our banquet and outdoor catering menus to offer an even wider array of culinary experiences. We also have exciting poolside events in the pipeline that will diversify our F&B portfolio and cement the hotel’s reputation as a premier dining destination. I am thrilled to work with our talented culinary team to create unforgettable gastronomic experiences.

Your motto is ‘Be the change that you want to see’. How do you incorporate this in your operational management style?
My management style is guided by the principle of being the change I wish to see in my team and the organisation. I firmly believe in fostering an inclusive work environment where open communication, cultural intelligence and bias awareness are prioritised. Through leading by example and establishing a social connection with both internal and external stakeholders, I aim to inspire my team to adopt a similar mindset, ultimately creating a cohesive and efficient workforce where everyone feels empowered to contribute and excel. After all, a leader’s effectiveness is directly tied to the team they’ve cultivated and empowered. Through this approach, I strive to drive positive change within the organisation and set the tone for a collaborative, high-performing culture at The K Hotel. ✤